Finished Initial Pages

I have completed the pages that I wanted to build out. These pages are for the Development Plan for the overall development and then one specifically for Subarea H. I also pulled down all of the documents for the Plat on Phase 1 and Phase 2. Grove City has not provided the legislation yet for Phase 2 and I will keep looking for that.

The next page I want to work on is an archive and overview of the development from the Fischer website. This will have all of the available models and their initial prices so these can be tracked. I believe they will probably increase over the next year, but it will be interesting to see how much they do go up. I am not sure when I will get them completed, but hopefully I will get them done by next weekend. From there I will be able to tweak them. I have spent a ton of time already tweaking the four pages that exist and always trying to make them perfect.

Another page I want to eventually get to making is the available utility options. The streets have not been loaded into any databases yet. This means I have not been able to get a good idea of what internet services are available. I do have some preliminary information on what other utilities are used in the development.

I have also worked on getting this website into various search engines and also worked on optimizing the results. This should result in getting some traffic to this site especially as Phase 2 opens up and people will likely be searching more.

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