Third Annual Community Garage Sale

The Third Annual Farmstead community garage sale will be held on Saturday May 18th, 2024 from 8AM – 3PM. Each year we have an amazing turnout, both from customers and people participating. If you would like to participate, please sign-up using this 2024 Interest Form. The sign-up deadline is April 26th, 2024. Also, there is a great website with more details at so please check that out.

Phase 6 Plat has dropped

There has not been a lot of new development activity since Phase 5A a year ago. But, the Phase 6 application was just sent in last week. We saw the sign out while riding our new bikes. This will extend Hawthorne Parkway a bit out to Sweet Basil Lane. It does not complete the throughway, but it is a first significant extension since the development started. The construction for Phase 5A has yet to start, so they are at least a year behind from application to construction. Looking forward to the new work though.

I will be working on some new resources for events coming up in the spring and summer. So stay tuned for that.

Phases 3 & 4 Plat

This week I saw that the Phase 3 and Phase 4 Plat applications hit the Grove City Development Department. They are not approved yet, so there are just the Application and Plan Sheets available. I am surprised that these two were applied for so soon considering Phase 2 is only half sold out and Sub Area H has just started up and not selling yet. Either way, there are new documents to view on their pages. I will follow them along and see if they get approved and have more documents.

I also need to go through the other pages and see if there were any updated documents. I do not think I saw any, but I will double check. Our hole has started this past week, so we are exciting to get things moving along.

Subarea H Phase 1 Plat

This week the Grove City Development Department approved the Plat for Subarea H Phase 1 this week. I pulled together the documents that they created and put it on a page. I have a couple of other items that I need to get posted as blog items and a few more pages I have in mind. I also need to go back through the old pages and make sure that everything is consistent.

On a personal note, we are still waiting to hear when our lot will start work. It has been almost eight weeks since our design center appointment, so we are getting eager. We hope to hear something soon.

Farmstead Grand Lease Part 2

Today was sign-up day for the Farmstead Grand Release of the Designer and Patio homes. The available Designer floorplans were: Avery, Blair, Calvin, Charles, Delaney, Foster, Grandin, Keaton, Miles, Redfield, Springfield, and Wyatt. The available Patio floorplans were: Amelia, Edenton, Kiawah, Maxwell, Wilmington, and Winthrop. The Avery is the model that we are picking.

We were able to get a sign-up slot, but not as great as we had hoped. Hopefully we will still get on of the lots we want. It will be an anxious few days until we get to see what is left for us. We officially go through the process on Saturday January 16th. We started this process in October and we are finally getting close to making this a done deal. I think we have been through the floorplans and different options 100s of times, looking over every possible detail. In the end it all should be worth it once we get what we want.

Phase 2 Grand Releases

It looks like Phase 2 is going to start the Grand Releases in January 2021. It looks like they will start with the Masterpiece Collection which includes these floorplans: Bayberry, Clay, Everett, Hayden, Keller, Leland, Marshall, Mitchell, Paxton, and Stanton. The sign-ups will go out on January 5th and the Grand Release is slated for January 9th.

The releases for Design and Patio models will go out later this month. We are looking forward to getting the process going!