Phase 6 Plat has dropped

There has not been a lot of new development activity since Phase 5A a year ago. But, the Phase 6 application was just sent in last week. We saw the sign out while riding our new bikes. This will extend Hawthorne Parkway a bit out to Sweet Basil Lane. It does not complete the throughway, but it is a first significant extension since the development started. The construction for Phase 5A has yet to start, so they are at least a year behind from application to construction. Looking forward to the new work though.

I will be working on some new resources for events coming up in the spring and summer. So stay tuned for that.

New Pages Added

The construction has been going along nicely at the Farmstead and the new phases are starting to pick up as Phase 2 is just about fully constructed. There also have been a small change to Phase 5 and it has been split into two phases to be considered. I am leaving the Phase 5 page as is for now to serve as a historical record, but will eventually remove it from the links to reduce the clutter. But without further ado, here are the new pages added tonight!

I am also thinking of a few other ideas to act as a good resource to existing and potential residents of the Farmstead. I hope to get those up this spring.

Phases 3 & 4 Plat

This week I saw that the Phase 3 and Phase 4 Plat applications hit the Grove City Development Department. They are not approved yet, so there are just the Application and Plan Sheets available. I am surprised that these two were applied for so soon considering Phase 2 is only half sold out and Sub Area H has just started up and not selling yet. Either way, there are new documents to view on their pages. I will follow them along and see if they get approved and have more documents.

I also need to go through the other pages and see if there were any updated documents. I do not think I saw any, but I will double check. Our hole has started this past week, so we are exciting to get things moving along.

Subarea H Phase 1 Plat

This week the Grove City Development Department approved the Plat for Subarea H Phase 1 this week. I pulled together the documents that they created and put it on a page. I have a couple of other items that I need to get posted as blog items and a few more pages I have in mind. I also need to go back through the old pages and make sure that everything is consistent.

On a personal note, we are still waiting to hear when our lot will start work. It has been almost eight weeks since our design center appointment, so we are getting eager. We hope to hear something soon.

Finished Initial Pages

I have completed the pages that I wanted to build out. These pages are for the Development Plan for the overall development and then one specifically for Subarea H. I also pulled down all of the documents for the Plat on Phase 1 and Phase 2. Grove City has not provided the legislation yet for Phase 2 and I will keep looking for that.

The next page I want to work on is an archive and overview of the development from the Fischer website. This will have all of the available models and their initial prices so these can be tracked. I believe they will probably increase over the next year, but it will be interesting to see how much they do go up. I am not sure when I will get them completed, but hopefully I will get them done by next weekend. From there I will be able to tweak them. I have spent a ton of time already tweaking the four pages that exist and always trying to make them perfect.

Another page I want to eventually get to making is the available utility options. The streets have not been loaded into any databases yet. This means I have not been able to get a good idea of what internet services are available. I do have some preliminary information on what other utilities are used in the development.

I have also worked on getting this website into various search engines and also worked on optimizing the results. This should result in getting some traffic to this site especially as Phase 2 opens up and people will likely be searching more.

Hello world!

The plan for this site is to document all of the plans for the new development by Fischer Homes of Farmstead in Grove City Ohio. We are planning to move into this development in 2021. I have been gathering a lot of information as we researched a place to build a house. The initial goal is mostly just so I have one place to collect all of the information and keep it for historical archival purposes after development is complete. The Development department of Grove City has done a lot of great work publishing these resources and I want to make sure they are still visible for a long time since I have no idea how long they will keep them published.

After that, who knows what this will become. Maybe it can be a resource for the community to use once more people have moved in. It should be a fun project regardless.